Apple Donuts | Apple Tasty Delight | Chef Anupa | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Apple donuts are simple donuts spruced up by adding a very delish fruit. These donuts are on the healthier side, which means they can be eaten by fitness fanatics too!



2 medium red Washington Apples
1½ cups refined flour (maida)
1½ tbsps fresh yeast
6 tbsps + a pinch castor sugar
1 cup milk
2 egg yolks
A pinch of salt
2-3 tbsps melted butter
Oil for deep-frying
½ tsp cinnamon powder


1. Mix together fresh yeast, a pinch castor sugar and 2-3 tbsps milk in a bowl and set aside to activate for 15 minutes.
2. Put egg yolks in a bowl. Add activate yeast and whisk. Add 3 tbsps castor sugar and salt and whisk well.
3. Sift flour, add remaining milk gradually and whisk to make a thick batter. Add melted butter and whisk well. Cover with a cling film and set aside to ferment for 15-20 minutes.
4. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai.
5. Mix together remaining castor sugar and cinnamon powder on a plate.
6. Trim the ends of Washington Apples, core and cut into ½ cm thick roundels.
7. Mix the fermented batter well. Dip each apple roundel in the batter, put in hot oil and deep-fry till they puff up and turns golden brown and crisp. Drain on absorbent paper and coat with cinnamon sugar will still hot.
8. Serve warm.

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