Apple Halwa-Diabetic friendly Sweet/Dessert

This is a diabetic friendly recipe..You can make this sweet in less than 10 minutes.

Gala apples-4
Salt- A pinch
Butter-2 tbsp
Cashews- 15
Organic sweetener-1/3 cup
Red color- 1/8 tsp

1.Wash and grate 4 gala apples. Mix it with little salt(to avoid decolorization)
2. Fry cashews in 1 tbsp butter until golden brown and then set aside.
3.Saute grated apple until the water is evaporated.
4. Add 1/3 cup organic sweetener(sugar substitute) , red color and butter. Saute until everything comes together .
5. Add fried cashews and mix it well.Apple Halwa is ready!!
Store it in an airtight container.
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