ஆண்கள் கதாநாயகர்களே - விவாத மேடை - Are men heroes? USA Pattimandram Debate - Mrs.Kavitha Jawahar | Food Tamil - Samayal & Vlogs

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ஆண்கள் கதாநாயகர்களே - சிங்கப்பெண்கள் விவாத மேடை - Men are Heroes - Vivadha Medai - USA Tamil Vlog - Debate with Mrs. Kavitha Jawahar as Judge

Representing Heroes Team in Pengal Vivadha Medai - Men are Heroes - Weekend Tamil Online Pattimandram - Judge: Mrs. Kavitha Jawahar - Tamil vlogs

Topic: Are men heroes or villains?

Men are portrayed as villains in spite of so many roles they take up. I am here to prove that they are truly HEROES. Even though we bring up so many examples, no one gets satisfied that they are heroes. To give that clarity, a very good understanding is required. That is the reason I am part of this team.

Of all who supported and raise their voices for women - most of them are men. We cannot deny or forget this. Our team has brought so many real life characters. They are ALL heroes.

The one who has the pride that NO love can be greater than his love for a girl is her DAD. He is her first HERO. Even after he hands her in marriage to a groom, he still upholds her in his heart. He is her GOD ! Can you deny that he is a Super Hero?

However we fight for so many instances, a brother with true love gives up everything for his sister. He is the only person who can understand a meaning of his sister's tears. He is sometimes our friend and sometimes even our dad ! There are many such heroes !

Every man who keeps up his dignity to safeguard the trust that his women friends and co-workers have on him, is a real HERO!

Policemen who work day & night for our protection are HEROS !

Auto driver & cab driver brothers who take us home from railway / bus stations or from offices, even in the middle of the night are real HEROs!

Hold On.... I am coming to a more important role....

The one who loves us more than his life ! A true godly relation for a girl - is her husband. To love, to protect and to rightfully disagree... the biggest relation we have in this small world in husband.

I can see immediate frowning of eyebrows in many faces now. Most of you would turn towards your husbands to give a quick look now...This understanding is what I would like to state that its wrong.

Being a 90s kids, I can visibly see how this concept has changed for over the years. Let me tell you a story: A girl goes to sage to ask for the power chant to keep her husband in control.

He tells her that this would be possible only if she gets him the thumbnail of a bear. She wanders in the forest and finally find a bear. She loves him , take care of him and becomes his friend. She finally brings the nail to the sage.

The sage tells her this: You can taken so much efforts to befriend a wild animal ! Its been nearly a month now. Had you taken this effort for ONE Day, your husband would have been the true love of your life forever !

Let's take the case of TV serials that most women watch - here the main villains are mostly WOMEN and not men ! Let's give it a thought !

November 19th is Men's Day ! How many of us know this ! Many of us don't!

Dear Judge - wrong understanding will not help us reach the goal of equality. It will definitely make us walk the wrong path.

Men and women are like the 50-50 biscuit. If the proportion goes wrong, the biscuit would not taste good.

Just by quoting a few incidents from the newspapers, we cannot term all men as villains.

Even though they are not listed in any of the newspapers, there are crores of men in this world, who in their daily lives, consider women as equal, as a daughter, as a wife, a good friend and as a sister.

They are forever REAL HEROES ! Thank you for this opportunity !

Closing comment for debate: Only when we recognize men as HEROES a women's life gets fulfilled.
For an incident to come out, the media needs controversies, hits, likes and comments. That's the situation today.

So when we learn to keep the villain stuff low and when we start to recognize the HEROIC acts of men around us, a positive change would automatically happen in the society. Thank you !

Winner: Heroes Team

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