Are You In The Mood For A Delicious Burger? Try This Smash Burger Recipe By Sooperchef!

Try out this cheesy Smash Burger made with Nurpur Cheese American Burger Slice. This delicious lip-smacking burger will make you crave more. Try out this Smash Burger and share your feedback with us.

#SmashBurger #BeefBurger #SooperChef

Smash Burger

Ingredients for Jalapeno Sauce:
Mayonnaise 1 cup
Hot sauce 1/4 cup
Chopped Jalapenos 3 Tbsp
Soya Sauce 2 Tbsp
Ketchup 1/2 cup

Ingredients for Beef Patty:
Beef Mince 1 ball (80 grams)
Oil 3 Tbsp
Black Pepper Powder 1/2 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Nurpur American Burger Slice as required

Ingredients for Smash Burger:
Burger Buns (toasted) as required
Prepared Jalapeno Sauce as required
Ice Berg as required
Tomato Slices as required
Onion rings as required
Jalapenos sliced as required
Beef Patty with cheese as required

Directions for Jalapeno Sauce Preparation:
1. In a bowl add mayonnaise, hot sauce, chopped jalapenos, soya sauce, and ketchup and mix it. Jalapeno sauce is prepared. Set aside.
Directions for Beef Patty Preparation:
2. Take beef mince balls and smash them on the greased pan. cook each side for 3-4 minutes or until fully done. Sprinkle black pepper powder and salt on each side.
3. Now place Nurpur American Burger Slice on the beef patties and combine the patties on top of each other. Set aside.
Directions for Smash Burger Preparation:
4. Drizzle the Jalapeno sauce on burger buns, put ice berg, prepared cheese patties, onion rings, tomato slices, jalapenos and top it with the bun. Smash Burgers are ready. Serve and enjoy.
Cooking time: 10-15 mins
Preparation Time: 15-20 mins
Servings: 3-4
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