#AvalPuttu/Sweet Puttu/Aval Puttu Instantly/Poha Puttu/Navratri Special/Vrat ka Khana | Sujan Fun Kitchen

#SujanFunKitchen is here with one more #EasyHealthyRecipe - #Puttu#SweetPuttu#AvalPuttu#PohaPuttu#NavratriSpecial#VratKaKhana

Thick Aval/Thick Poha/Flattened rice - 1 cup

Grated jaggery - 1 cup

Hot water - 1 ¼ cup

Cardamom/elaichi powder - to taste

Cashews and dates - as required

Ghee (Optional) - 1 tbsp

Grated coconut - ¼ cup


Chop cashews and dates - keep aside

Dry roast Aval/Poha till golden - allow to come to room temperature

Grind in a mixer/mixi 

In a huge plate, add the powdered Aval/Poha and keep adding Hot water little at a time, tossing over

When all the Hot water is incorporated completely, keep it aside

Now in a pan lightly Fry cashews and dates - keep aside

In a thick pan, add grated jaggery. Add water to just cover it

Keep cooking till the jaggery syrup reaches soft ball consistency

Lower the flame

Add the processed Aval/Poha mix to the jaggery syrup till everything comes together - keep flame on medium

Now add chopped nuts and dates

Mix and stir

Now add grated coconut and stir

Finally add the Ghee and cardamom  powder for flavour - stir tossing everything lightly

Switch off the flame

Leave the Aval Puttu/Poha Puttu for an hour or so or till the Puttu is crumbly and soft like bread crumbs

Enjoy Aval Puttu/Poha Puttu with family and friends

Visit my blog for the detailed recipe
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