Avocado / Butter fruit & Custard Apple Milkshake recipe | Butter Fruit recipe & Custard Apple recipe | Nutritious & Delicious Recipes

How to make Avocado & Custard Apple Milkshake | Butter Fruit & Custard Apple Milkshake,
Milkshake Ideas for kids, Avocado Milkshake, How to make Custard Apple Milkshake, Sitaphal Milkshake, Easy Avocado Milkshake, Quick Custard Apple Milkshake, Butter Fruit Milkshake, Avocado Recipe, Milkshake Recipes, Butter Fruit Recipe

Butter Fruit / Avocado - 1
Custard Apple / Sitaphal - 2
Milk - 1/2 Litre
Sugar - 50 gms
Dates Syrup - 2 tbsp

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