Avoid & Reverse Alzheimers Symptoms with This!

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One of the scariest things for me is when I cant remember something. It completely freaks me out.

I just stumbled upon a solution, a product that was originally developed to increase memory, in particular for Alzheimers Patients.

Researchers found out many years ago, that the more magnesium that they found in the brain, the more intelligence that animal or human has. Furthermore, practically everybody that has had Alzheimers Disease, were shown to have almost no magnesium in their brain when they were autopsied. The problem is, they never found a magnesium that could cross the Brain Blood Barrier; until now.

Its called Magnesium L-threonate, or goes by the trade name Magtein.

What Is Magtein? Magtein, also referred to as magnesium L-threonate, is a patented combination of magnesium and a vitamin C compound called Threonic Acid developed by a group of MIT researchers.

Magnesium L-threonate is easily absorbed and able to enter the brain, where it may reverse the aging in our brains. It has already been shown to help adults with sleep disorders, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction, and has the poteintoal to help manage certain brain disorders, such as depression and age-related memory loss. It has also been shown to help with epilepsy and brain seizures.

As you will see at the study included at the link here, they concluded that magnesium levels in the brain were higher than in subjects that either didnt receive supplemental magnesium or were given another type, and suggested that Magtein was able to cross the blood-brain and blood-CSF barriers because threonate effectively transports the mineral to brain neurons.

So, once you are able to get magnesium past the Brain Blood Barrier, you are able to feed the brain. You end up with more neurons, more synapsis, and more synaptic activity.

At the link here, four published preclinical studies found that Magtein improved memory, and helped prevent the decline and reversed the symptoms of Alzheimer's. Additionally, the ability to raise brain magnesium levels were evaluated among the most bioavailable organic and inorganic magnesium forms, and Magtein was the only magnesium compound to raise the cerebrospinal fluid magnesium concentration with statistical significance.

That is big time.

It becomes more difficult to absorb magnesium with time, putting older adults at a higher risk of Magnesium inadequacy. This is one of the reasons why Alzheimers is so prolific among seniors. Also, if a person has type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance, high levels of glucose in the kidneys can cause the body to excrete more magnesium, and as they age may cause memory issues in the long-run.

Just to drill in the importance to have magnesium in order to avoid Alzheimers, another 17-year study that followed more than 1,000 Japanese adults over the age of 60 found that those who consumed more than 200 mg of magnesium per day were 37 percent less likely to develop any type of dementia and 74 percent less likely to develop vascular dementia [3].

This very special Magnesium, that uses Threonic Acid to get the Magnesium across the Blood Brain Barrier maybe just what you or a loved one is looking for.

It takes about one month to start getting results with the Magtein, so be patient.

A study showed that orally ingested Magtein has been shown to take at least one month to raise brain magnesium levels to the extent required to have an effect on memory formation (Slutsky et al., 2010).

It may take a month or so to also get the other side benefits, such as better sleep and reduced anxiety.

Dr. Bob McCauley, a long time proponent of the Raw Foods Movement, doesnt miss a day taking Magtein. He gave it to a patient with schizophrenia and it helped him tremendously. Alongside the Magtein, he also gave him Bacopa and Mucuna, the brain herbs Im always talking about. It took this guy right out of his schizophrenia funk and depressive state, which comes on periodically.

The combination of the Magtein, Bacopa, and Mucuna, would be ideal if you want to take this all the way.

Acetylcholine is the most widely spread neurotransmitter in various brain regions and is required for proper memory and cognition, as well as motor control. Imbalances in acetylcholine are linked with chronic conditions, such as Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease. People who have Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease tend to have low levels of acetylcholine.

Certain medications can increase levels of acetylcholine. Donepezil, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine are the top three pharmacuetical drugs used to reduce anticholinesterase activity, which breaks down our acetylcholine. In the clinical study here, it states that Bacopa reduces anticholinesterase activity just as good a

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