We love baked winter squash - and we’ve finally discovered what might be the best of them all! Sweetmeat! This is a more flavourful substitute for pumpkin, butternut, and acorn squash.

This is another of those recipes... that's really just a method. With these basics you can bake the squash with just about any flavouring that you want; sweet to savoury. Or you could cook it plain and use the results in pies and cookies.

This squash is more pumpkin than pumpkin - especially when it comes to pumpkin pie.

Sweetmeat Baked Squash Recipe

1 sweetmeat squash
Melted butter
Maple syrup
Brown sugar

Preheat oven to 350ºF (180ºC).
Use a sharp chef knife to split the squash in half.
Scoop out the seeds.
Score the flesh inside the squash.
Baste the inside with a mixture of melted butter, salt, and pepper.
You could mix in any of the optional ingredients above.
Place in a baking pan, with 1-2” of water.
Bake for at least 1 hour then check with a fork to see if done.
The size of your squash will vary - so cooking times will also vary.
Scoop out into a serving bowl.
The flesh is also great for anything that you would use Pumpkin or Butternut squash for.

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This easy tasty baked / roasted sweetmeat squash recipe from Le Gourmet TV is a healthy recipe for sweetmeat pumpkin or nutmeg squash. It's an everyday food that answers the kitchen conundrum of how to roast a sweetmeat squash and how to roast a sweetmeat pumpkin. MMMM tasty recipes

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