Baked Vegetable Chicken Recipe Vegetables on the Bottom Chickens on the Top

Looking for a delicious and easy oven chicken recipe? This will be a great meal idea, look no further for the recipe! Onions, carrots, potatoes, peppers, chicken pieces are a healthy baked treat in the oven, your family and friends will absolutely love it!
you can watch how to make chicken with vegetables in the oven
bone-in chicken pieces will be used
chopped onion
chopped carrot
chopped potatoes
green and red chopped bell peppers
black pepper, chili flakes, ginger, vegetable seasoning, tomato powder
thyme, cumin, ground pepper
soy sauce, balsamic vinegar
easily cut chicken wings with a knife
shred the chicken with the line
You can make 1 chicken 20 pieces
finely chop the onions
cut the potatoes into half moons
place the onions on the bottom of the baking tray
Onions will cook easily with the juice left by the chicken at the bottom.
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add chopped carrots
Onions and carrots will be at the bottom and should be completely covered with chicken so that it can be cooked well in this way.
this is my old workplace and i came to cook for a few days
I couldn't do video editing for a while because my computer screen was broken, it came from repair and is now in good condition
add chopped potatoes
sprinkle some salt on the vegetables
add chopped green chillies and red chillies
add boned chicken pieces
when adding chickens, place them without spaces
place chicken skins on top, chicken skin will be well browned in the oven
one of these trays is enough for 20 people
There is enough food for 100 people.
sunflower oil
adding salt and other spices
tomato spice
powdered ginger
Mixed vegetable spice has celery and onion flavors. Contains ingredients such as leek and parsley garlic flavor
black pepper, cayenne pepper, cumin, thyme,
small amount of chicken bouillon powder
thick black soy sauce
some balsamic vinegar
materials are mixed completely
adding a little more red chili powder, not hot
the mixture is added to the chickens
You can leave adding salt to chance, or you can calculate and add salt in moderation.
I use 7 grams of salt for 1 kilogram of ingredients, 5 grams of salt is used for 1 kilogram of ingredients in heavily spiced dishes.
In other words, since this is a very spicy dish and the ingredients in 1 tray are 4 kilograms, a total of 20 grams of salt will be sufficient for 1 tray.
industrial steam oven
It will be cooked at 160 degrees for 40 minutes and with intermittent steam.
40 minutes may not be enough to cook completely.
reached the desired redness, but the chickens are not fully cooked
It was cooked for another 20 minutes by adding a lid on it and it turned out great, bon appetit to those who will make it #chickenrecipes #ovenchicken #bakedrecipes

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