Bakery Style Chicken Egg Sandwich Recipe by SooperChef

Bakery Style Chicken Egg Sandwich is one fancy and scrumptious chicken sandwich recipe that is perfect to try at your tea-time. Make your evenings delightful with these baked Bakery Style Chicken Egg Sandwich and share your feedback with us.

#BakeryStyleSandwich #ChickenEggSandwich #sooperchef

0:00 Intro
0:17 Dough Preparation
1:03 Chicken Marination
1:31 Bakery Style Chicken Egg Sandwich Preparation
3:19 Recipe Card

Bakery Style Chicken Egg Sandwich

Ingredients for Dough:
All-purpose flour 2 cups
Egg 1
Milk 1/2 cup
Sugar 1 tbsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Oil 1 tbsp
Yeast 1 tsp
Butter 1 tbsp
Butter (for greasing) as required

Ingredients for Chicken Preparation:
Chicken cubes (boneless) 500 g
Yogurt 1/2 cup
Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
Salt 1 tsp / to taste
Garam masala powder 1/2 tsp
Red chili powder 1 tsp
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
Red chili flakes 1 tsp
Lemon juice 1 tbsp
Oil (for cooking) 1/2 cup
Heated coal piece (for smoke) 1
Oil (for smoke) 1 tsp

Ingredients for Assembling:
Boiled egg (chopped) 4
Pizza sauce as required
Spicy mayo sauce as required
Mozzarella cheese as required
Capsicum rings as required
Onion rings as required
Tomato slices as required
Cooked chicken as required

Directions for Dough Preparation:
1. In a bowl add egg, milk, sugar, salt, oil and mix them well.
2. Now add flour, yeast, butter and knead a soft dough. Take it out of the bowl and knead it again kitchen board for a min.
3. Transfer it to a greased bowl. Cover the dough with cling film and let it rest until it doubles in size.
Directions for Chicken Preparation:
4. In a bowl add chicken, yogurt, ginger garlic paste, salt, garam masala powder, red chili powder, black pepper powder, red chili flakes, lemon juice and mix it well. Marinate for 20-30 mins.
5. In a pan heat oil and add marinated chicken. Cook until the chicken is fully done.
6. Now turn off the flame, place a heated coal and drizzle oil on it. Cover the pan with lid and smoke the chicken for 1-2 mins. Your Chicken is ready. Set aside.
Directions for Assembling:
7. Take the prepared dough and roll it out into a flat square shape. Place 4 bread slices on the dough aligned in a square shape and with gaps between each other.
8. Spread pizza sauce on 2 slices, add cooked chicken, boiled eggs, mozzarella cheese.
9. Spread spicy mayo sauce on the remaining 2 slices. Place these 2 slices on top of the other 2 slices making a sandwich.
10. Now cut the dough in half. Wrap this dough around the prepared sandwich.
11. Remove the extra edges of the dough. Place these sandwiches on a greased baking tray lined with butter paper.
12. Spread pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese on the sandwiches. Place capsicum ring, onion ring, tomato slices and top it with mozzarella cheese again.
13. Bake it in a preheated oven at 180C for 10-15 mins.
14. Cut the slice in rectangular shape and serve. Your Bakery Style Chicken Egg Sandwich is ready.
Prep time: 20-25 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins (including baking time)
Servings: 2-3
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