Banana Pudding Dessert Layered with Candi Biscuits Recipe by SooperChef

Banana Puddings is one delectable dessert layered with Creamy Vanilla Custard and Bananas. The added crunch of Candi Biscuits gives this dessert an extra touch of sweetness. Try out this Banana Pudding Dessert and share your feedback with us.

#BananaPudding #Desserts #CandiBiscuits

Banana Pudding

Ingredients for Vanilla Custard:
Milk 1 liter
Vanilla custard mixture (Vanilla custard powder 1/2 cup + water 1 cup)
Condensed milk 2 cups

Ingredients for Whipped Cream:
Whipping cream 2 cups

Ingredients for Assembling:
Candi Biscuits as required
Banana (Sliced) as required
Vanilla custard 2 cups
Whipped cream 2 cups

Directions for Vanilla Custard Preparation:
1. In a pot heat milk and bring it to a boil.
2. Add vanilla custard mixture and cook until it starts to thicken.
3. Add condensed milk and cook for 1-2 mins or until thick in consistency. Let it cool at room temperature.
Directions for Whipped Cream Preparation:
4. In a bowl add whipping cream and beat until fluffy and stiff peaks form. Set aside.
Directions for Assembling:
5. In a bowl add whipped cream, vanilla custard and mix it well. Your Creamy Vanilla Custard is ready.
6. In a deep serving bowl add a layer of Candi Biscuits, place sliced banana on the sides of the bowl.
7. Add a layer of creamy vanilla custard on the biscuits, and then add a layer of sliced banana on the creamy vanilla custard.
8. Place Candi Biscuits on the sides of the bowl. Add layer of creamy vanilla custard, place Candi Biscuits on top and sides. Add a layer of Creamy vanilla custard again. Place sliced banana on top and Candi Biscuits on the sides.
9. Add another layer of creamy vanilla custard on top. Top it with crushed Candi Biscuits and serve. Your Banana Pudding is ready.
Prep time: 25 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins
Servings: 5-6
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