Banana Tapioca Pumpkin Pudding - baby food recipe +6M | BuonaPappa

My little Alex turned 6 months and he is more than ready for his first solid meals!!! I'm sooo excited, I can't wait to see him exploring new tastes, textures, flavors and enjoy the pleasure of food.
Today I'm using Tapioca, a starch that is commonly used in desserts like puddings. It acts like a gelatin giving a very creamy texture to the recipe, that's why I think it's a very good ingredient for baby food. From a nutritional point of view tapioca consists mainly of carbohydrates and it also contains folic acid and iron.
I'm also using banana and pumpkin to give natural sweetness to the pudding. Secret ingredient: star anise. A spice that I really like and that will give a delicate extra flavor to the pudding.
This recipe can be a new baby food to offer to your baby (I pureed everything for my little Alex) or a nice dessert for the entire family (to be served warm, it's soo good!).

Check out the recipe and the ingredients on my blog:

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See you next Thursday with a new video!! ciao!!
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