Barfi recipe | Milk Barfi Recipe | Khoya Barfi | बर्फी | Indian Mom's Kitchen

Here is a simple and easy Barfi recipe. We all love Barfis. Now, let me show how you can make Coconut Mava Barfi in 10 minutes with ingredients found in your kitchen. Given below is the Milk Barfi recipe.

1 cup fresh grated Coconut
2 cups Milk powder
1/2 cup Milk
1/2 cup Sugar
3 tsp Ghee
1/2 tsp Cardamom powder
3 tbsp chopped Nuts

-- Dry roast the grated Coconut for 3-4 minutes till steam rises from the Coconut.
-- Remove and keep aside.
-- Heat 2 tsp Ghee and add Milk and Sugar.
-- Cook till Sugar dissolves.
-- Put in Milk powder and combine well.
-- Sweet Mava is ready.
-- When the mixture starts to thicken, add Cardamom powder and grated coconut and mix well.
-- Continue stirring till the mixture thickens.
-- Add 1 tsp Ghee and some chopped nuts.
-- Transfer the mixture into a pan lined with butter paper.
-- Even out the top and sprinkle the remaining nuts.
-- Allow the mixture to cool.
-- Coconut Mava Barfi is ready.
-- Cut into desired shape and serve.
#barfirecipe #mithai #IndianMomsKitchen

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