Beef Lasagna Recipe By SooperChef (Step By Step Recipe)

If you’re a lasagna lover then try this Beef Lasagna Recipe. Lasagna step by step recipe with scrumptious sauces is perfect for your meals and parties. Make it, bake it and enjoy it. Do not forget to share your feedback with us.

#BeefLasagna #Beef #Lasagna #SooperChef #Lasagne

Ingredients for Meat Sauce:
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Onion (chopped) 1/2 cup
Minced beef 1 kg
Blanched tomatoes 4 large
Tomato paste 1 cup
Water 1 ½ cup
Sugar 1 tbsp
Fresh basil leaves 4-5
Italian seasoning 1 ½ tbsp
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder 1/2 tbsp
Garlic (chopped) 1 tbsp
Ingredients for Italian Seasoning:
Dried Basil leaves 1 tsp
Oregano 1 tsp
Dried Rosemary 1 tsp
Dried Thyme 1 tsp
Garlic powder 1/2 tsp
Dried parsley 1 tsp
Ingredients for Blanching Tomatoes:
Water as required
Tomatoes 4 large
Ingredients for White Sauce:
Butter 4 tbsp
All Purpose Flour 1/4 Cup
Milk 3+1/2 Cup
Salt to taste
Black pepper (crushed) 1/2 tsp
Parmesan cheese powder 1 cup
Ingredients for Assembling:
Lasagna sheets as required
Water as required
Oil 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Cold water as required
Meat sauce as required
White sauce as required
Shredded Mozzarella cheese as required
Shredded Cheddar cheese as required
Shredded Parmesan cheese as required
Parsley as required

Directions for Blanching Tomatoes:
Fill 3/4th of the pot with water, bring water to boil, score your tomatoes making a cross sign and put into the water. Stir them once and wait for 20 seconds, after 20 seconds you will notice the tomatoes’ skin is separating. Turn off the flame. Peel off the skin and set aside.
Directions for Meat Sauce:
In a pan heat olive oil, add garlic and onion and sauté for 2-3 minutes until garlic gets brown and onion translucent.
Now, add minced beef and cook until changes its color on medium flame while mixing upside down continuously.
Now, add your blanched tomatoes (you can also cut them into rough pieces for easy handling). Cook for 7-8 minutes or until tomatoes start to get mixed with mince.
Add tomato paste and give it a good mix and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then add water as required and mix and let cook for about 3-4 minutes.
Now add salt, sugar, black pepper and Italian seasoning and cook on medium low heat while mixing in interval to prevent from sticking on the base. Cook for about 20-25 minutes.
Take basil leaves, beat with your hands and add it into your meat sauce and mix. Cook until your desired consistency has reached.
Directions for Italian Seasoning:
In a bowl add basil leaves, oregano, dried rosemary, dried thyme, garlic powder and dried parsley. Give them a good mix and you Italian seasoning is ready.
Directions for white Sauce:
In a pan, melt butter, add flour and cook for 2 minutes or until well combined.
Turn the heat to very low flame and gradually start pouring in the milk while stirring continuously preventing from forming lumps.
When the milk has been mixed properly, turn the flame to medium heat and keep cooking while mixing/stirring continuously until starts to thicken.
Now add salt and pepper, give it a good mix and turn off the flame.
Add parmesan cheese and stir until well incorporated. Take of the flame and set aside.
In a deep pan, add ample water and let it boil. Add salt and oil and let it start bubbling. Once water starts bubbling, add lasagna sheets and cook until 80% done. (Do not overload the pan with sheet or else they will break and stick to the base).
Rinse with cold water and set aside until ready to use.
Now take a baking tray. Place sheets of lasagna, meat sauce, white sauce, shredded mozzarella, cheddar and parmesan cheese and repeat 2 times.
Lastly, top with lasagna sheets, mozzarella, cheddar and parmesan cheese.
Bake in pre-heated oven at 180°C for 25-30 minutes or until cheese gets golden brown in color.
Take out of the oven, garnish with parsley and serve.
Preparation Time: 20 mins
Cooking Time: 1 hour 20 mins
Serving: 6
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