Full recipe for Beef-Stuffed Vine Leaves (Etli Yaprak Sarma)
500 g pickled (or 1 kg fresh) vine leaves
For the filling:
1 kg ground beef (semi fat)
1 kg onions
1/3 cup (75g)olive oil
1 cup (225g) calrose rice
tbsp. salt
tbsp. ground black pepper
tbsp. dried coriander
2 tbsp pepper paste
1 cup (245g) warm water
For cooking:
500 g veal bones (optional but recommended)
tbsp. salt
1/3 cup (75g) olive oil
1 cup (245 g) warm water
Serving Sauces:
The mint sauce:
1 tbsp dried mint
2-3 garlic cloves
50 g butter
300 g yogurt
The pepper sauce:
cup olive oil
3-4 sun-dried red peppers
1 tbsp flaked red pepper

Pickled vine leaves, turn yellow and soften within a month
They can be used directly for stuffed vine recipes with or without meat
So, open the jar, unroll the vine leaves, then add filling and form the stuffed vines (Etli Yaprak Sarma)
The fresh vine leaves however, need a boiling water shock to reach a softer texture for the forming
Boil a couple cups of water with 1 tbsp of salt
Then, shock the fresh vine leaves in the boiling water for 2-3 minutes and soak it in cold water to prevent browning
Peel, wash and finely dice 1 kg of onions
Peel and mince 2-3 garlic cloves
Place the onions and garlics into a large bowl
Add tbsp. of salt and knead them until they become softened
You may appreciate a pair of gloves to keep your hands free of smelling and colouring!
Then, add 1 kg of ground beef and continue kneading
Once they are mixed well, add the other ingredients:
Wash and drain 1 cup of rice, add to the filling mixture
Add 2 tbsp of pepper paste, tbsp. of ground black pepper, tbsp. of dried coriander, 1/3 cup of olive oil and 1 cup of warm water
Knead the filling ingredients for 4-5 minutes, until all the ingredients combine with each other well
Make sure, the filling has a mushy consistency, If not, add more water to obtain it . Then, set the filling aside
Preferably, stuffed vines are cooked with very little water. The bottom of the pot is thickened by layering bones and vine stems to obtain a slow cook while multiplying the taste!
First, place the bones on the bottom of the pot
Add the vine stems over the bones
Then, cover the layers with vine leaves to obtain a proper surface for the stuffed vines
Set a large and flat plate
Place a vine leaf into it
If there are hard veins or stems, discard them using a knife; avoid tearing the leaf
Put 1 tbsp of filling in the large side of the leaf, fold the two sides of the leaf inwards, and roll the leaf slowly
Place the rolls into the pot in a tight circular pattern
Continue the process until the entire filling is used
Then, cover the rolls with vine leaves to keep moist while they are cooking slowly
Add tbsp. of salt over the rolls
Place a flat plate on top of the rolls to prevent unwinding
Pour 1 cup of warm water and 1/3 cup of olive oil over the stuffed vines
Cover the pot with a lid
Voila! The beef stuffed vine rolls are ready to cook!
Set the stove to medium-high heat and get to a boil
Then, lower the heat to minimum and cook for 1 hour or until the leaves are completely softened
Stuffed vine leaves should cook for a minimum of 1 hour on low heat
Slow cooking provides a soft texture, savoury taste, and bright yellow colour for the stuffed vines
Rest the rolls for 8-10 minutes before serving
Then, open the lid, take out the plate, and uncover the vine leaves over the stuffed vines
For serving, prepare the mint-garlic and pepper sauce
The mint-garlic sauce:
Melt 50 g of butter in a saucepan, add 2-3 minced garlic cloves and stir for 1 minute.
Then, add 1 tbsp of dried mint and combine the ingredients. Immediately pour it over the yogurt on the serving plate
Prepare the pepper sauce:
In a pan, pour cup of olive oil and heat it.
Add the sun-dried red peppers and sear for a couple seconds
Take them out and add 1 tbsp of flaked red pepper into the pan, sear for 1 minute
Serve the beef-stuffed vine leaves hot and fresh!
Place the stuffed vines on the serving plate
Add 1 fried red pepper for each portion
Place a generous spoon of yogurt on the side of the serving plate
Drizzle the mint-garlic sauce over the yogurt
Then, drizzle the pepper sauce over the stuffed vines
Remember, the CHEF deserves a big complement for this intricate dish!!
Appreciate the chance to taste such a masterpiece and get ready to dig into this exceptional feast!!

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