Beer Ice Cream | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Made with just 4 ingredients - this beer ice cream works as well as a glass of chilled beer would on a hot summery day.

BEER ICE CREAM - (Serves - 4)


1½ cups beer
1 cup fresh cream
½ cup castor sugar
4 egg yolks


1. Combine castor sugar and egg yolks in a bowl and whisk till sugar melts.
2. Heat cream in a small deep non-stick pan. Add beer, mix and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and bring down to room temperature.
3. Add cream-beer mixture gradually to yolk mixture and whisk well.
4. Heat the mixture into the same deep non-stick pan, mix and cook till it thickens. Strain in another bowl and bring down to room temperature. Transfer in an air-tight container and freeze for 10-12 hours.
5. Scoop out and serve chilled.

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Cuisine - Fusion
Course - Desserts
Dish - Desserts
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