
1 kg beetroot
1 large onion
3 garlic cloves
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp. honey
2 tsp salt
tsp ground black pepper
2 cups strained yogurt
400g spring mix

Dressing for the spring mix:
1 tsp salt
tsp ground black pepper
tbsp white vine vinegar
1 tbsp pomegranate syrup or 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
3 tbsp olive oil
lemon juice


Wash the beets thoroughly and peel them
Peel and wash the onion, then cut into small cubes
Place the onions into a medium-sized pot
Peel and mince the garlic cloves and set aside
Grate the beets and set aside

Set a medium heat (6.5 or 7) for stove
Saut the onions with 3 tbsp olive oil for 5 to 6 minutes while stirring on occasion
Afterwards add the grated beets and saut for 7 to 9 minutes
Turn off the heat, cover with a lid. Let the mixture cool down for 10 to 15 minutes
Then add the minced garlic and stir well while the mixture is still warm
Add the honey, salt, black pepper, and mix well
Once the mixture cools down to room temperature, add yogurt and mix thoroughly.
The beet salad is done!
Rest it until serving

Dressing for the spring mix
Set a small-sized bowl
Place 1 tsp salt, tsp black pepper, tbsp white vine vinegar, 1 tbsp pomegranate syrup, 3 tbsp olive oil and the juice of half a lemon
Whisk the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes, until the dressing becomes homogenize
Set aside the dressing for serving

Place a portion of beet salad in a bowl then flip on to a salad plate
Combine the spring mix and the dressing in a large bowl and toss the greens well
Then place the tossed greens around the beet salad
Give the final touch for its presentation
Serve at once

Beet salad would be a light meal on its own and also a flavorful side dish for roasted meat and fish menus

Bon Appetite!

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