Besan Ladoo | Gram Flour Ladoo | बेसन के लड्डू हलवाईके जैसे |With Halwai Tips from #ChefHarpalSingh | chefharpalsingh

Besan Ladoo
Ingredient Quantity
Gram Flour (Besan) 150 gm.
Sugar 1 cup
Ghee 150 gm.
Gond 1 tbsp
Water as required
Almond slice 1 tbsp
Pistachio slice 1 tbsp
Cashew nut slice 1 tbsp
Cardamom powder 1 tsp
Nutmeg powder ¼ tsp
Tutti fruity 1 tbsp
1. Take sugar in a pan, add ¼ cup of water, mix well and cook the sugar syrup on medium-
2. Keep stirring the syrup so that it doesn't burn at the bottom.
3. Once the sugar syrup starts to crystallize, switch off the heat and quickly add 1 tsp of
ghee and mix well.
4. Strain the boora in a bowl, reaming grind in a grinder and strain. Keep it aside.
5. Heat 1 tbsp of ghee in a pan, add gond and fry till its puff up, remove in a grinder jar and
keep it aside to cool down.
6. Heat remaining ghee in a pan, meanwhile grind the gond to a fine powder and remove
in boora bowl and keep it aside.
7. When ghee is hot, add gram flour, mix well and Roast it on medium low heat till all the
ghee is well mixed in it.
8. Stirring continuously for 15-20 minutes or till gram flour is fragrant and turns light
brown in color.
9. When gram flour is turn to light brown, splash some water on top and mix well and cook
for 2 min.
10. Remove in a bowl, stir continuously to cool down.
11. Meanwhile dry roast the almond, pistachio and cashew nuts in same pan for 1 min.
12. Once the besan is cooled (slightly warm), add roasted nuts, cardamom powder, nutmeg
powder, tutti fruity and prepared boora and gond mixture and mix well.
13. Shape into walnut sized round ladoo and arrange on a plate and serve.

#BesanLadoo #GramFlourLadoo

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