Best of 2017 Top Videos Events and Fun!

Sharing my Top 10 Most Popular Videos that you don't want to miss from 2017 plus the most amazing times, events, and accomplishments I had and what to expect from 2018!

Peep my Raw Food and Yoga Surf Adventure Retreats in Costa Rica here

Newest book "Naturally Rawsome Dressings" all 21 from the Woodstock Fruit Festival

Be sure to check out as well as two amazing raw food publications I feel blessed to be a regular contributor for!

TOP 10 Videos of 2017

1. Raw Cabbage Rolls, authentic and tasty as can be, uses my secret technique to make raw veggies taste cooked!! PS there is also a Borsht recipe from this year that you will cry for

2. Falafel Balls, tastes like the real deal
ps U need a dehydrator for this one, i recommend the Excalibur, grab yours with FREE shipping Here

3. Day in the Life / What I eat in a Day Pavones Costa Rica, super fun day from a world class surf spot filmed in a unique style, crowd fave!

4. Shepherds Pie, hearty and filling just like the original, this recipe could win over a lumberjack

5. Confessions of a Raw Vegan of 12.5 years, sharing with vulnerability and self love, hope it helps you on your health journey.

6. Potato Salad, creamy and authentic this is a favourite at ever raw bbq I bring it to PS get other BBQ favourites in my American Classics in

7. Barley Grass Juice Powder is it the Best Green Powder, going into green powders and the advantages and disadvantages

8. Buffalo Ranch wings w/ Caesar Dip, one of my personal favourites of the year, a perfect finger food using my secret softening technique to make the wings soft and juicy

9. Lemon Rice Soup, a family favourite and a big surprise as to how delicious and filling it is

10. B12 deficiency is it a joke, going deep into this more serious subject with science and experience to help you find ease around this controversial nutrient

Events from 2017 / going into 2018

Be sure to Check out my Yearly Raw Food and Yoga Surf Adventure Retreats in Costa Rica here

Check out the Costa Rica Fruit Fest 2018 and get $111 off your ticket with my code "RAWADVANTAGE"

Join us for the biggest fruit party of the year, The Woodstock Fruit Festival and get $100 off with my code "banana"

Peep the Sweden Raw Life Festival Here

Check out the Denmark Fresh Food Festival Here

Music by IV the Polymath

I hope you enjoyed 2017 with me, so blessed to connect share and grow together. Be sure to share and subscribe for much more in 2018!!

Flowing as a RHN in Loving service, helping those in need as a consultant and full time live in Coach. Bringing conscious thought word and deed into a Holistic High vibing Raw Food Lifestyle to help create increased health, happiness, fitness and increased calm.

RHN 100% Raw Food / Transitional Lifestyle Coach, Kendalini Yoga Teacher/Creator, Kundalini and Raw Power Teacher, 811rv Chef, Low Fat Raw Gourmet Chef, Skateboard Genie

Connect with me at!/therawadvantage

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But most of all
enjoy much

Peacelovenseasonalfruit ck
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