Best Lettuce Wrap By Arina | India Food Network

Looking for an interesting party snack recipe that is easy to make and superbly delicious all at one go? The lettuce wrap would be one of our top suggestions. To know how to make it, stay tuned!

1 cup of assorted vegetables (carrots, French beans, broccoli, baby corn), cut into thin strips
½ cup bell peppers, cut into thin strips
½ cup mushrooms, cut in thin slices
2 spring onions (white part cut into thin strips)
Handful of spring onion leaves
1 tbsp chopped ginger
1 tbsp chopped garlic
2-3 tsp peanut oil
Pepper to taste
Salt to taste
2 tsp light soya sauce
2 tsp sweet soya sauce
2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
2 tbsp unsalted peanuts, lightly toasted and crushed

No party is ever complete without great drinks. To explore amazing cocktail recipes click here!

Watch Arina make another great party snack here:

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