Bread Samosa Recipe by SooperChef Presents Bread Samosa Recipe. Learn how to make Easy Bread Samosa Recipe at Home. You can make Bread Samosa by watching this short but comprehensive Video by sooperchef.
#BreadSamosaRecipe #BreadSamosa #Samosa

Cooking Oil as needed
1 Onion
Boiled Pease Beans
Salt as Needed
1 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp Fenugreek
1 tbsp Zera powder
1 tbsp Dry Coriander
1 tbsp red chili powder
3 green chilies
1 tbsp garlic paste
10 g green coriander
2 bread slice
2 tbsp Maida Paste
250 g potatoes
Cooking Method:
1. In a pan, add cooking oil, garlic and cook it for one minute
2. Now add onion, boiled Pease beans, Salt, turmeric, fenugreek, cumin powder, Dry coriander, Red Chili powder, mashed potatoes, and cook it for 2 minutes. Now add green chilies and green coriander.
3. Now take a bread slice, roll it and press it
4. Now stuff the prepared potatoes and brush the Maida paste at the corner of bread slice and then fold it.
5. Now, in a pan add cooking oil, and after adding cooking oil add bread Samosa’s in this oil. Deep fry the Samosa’s until they changed into golden brown.
6. Your tasty samosa is ready to serve.
Cooking Time: 30 minutes Serve: 1 person
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