Burger Buns | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

A simple way to make scrumptious Burger Buns at home.



4 cups refined flour + to sprinkle
4 tsps fresh yeast
4 tsps castor sugar
1 tsp salt
4 tsps milk powder
⅔ cup milk
2 tbsps butter
Oil for greasing
Milk wash as required
Black sesame seeds for sprinkling
White sesame seeds for sprinkling
Melted butter for applying


1. Preheat the oven to 180˚C.
2. Take yeast in a bowl, add ½ tsp castor sugar, 1 tbsp warm water and mix well. Set aside to activate
3. Sift refined flour in a electric mixing bowl with a hook attachment, add salt, milk powder and add remaining sugar. Mix well.
4. Create a well in centre add the yeast mixture. Add milk. Mix the mixture on slow speed and add little water and knead to soft dough.
5. Add butter and knead again till well combined and smooth dough if formed.
6. Sprinkle flour on worktop and knead the dough well. Shape it into a smooth roundel.
7. Grease a bowl with oil and transfer the dough. Cover with a moist muslin cloth. Set aside to prove for 20-25 minutes.
8. Take a rectangular sheet of aluminium foil on a worktop. Fold into 3 big folds, and make 4 smaller folds, fold the remaining side. Make a thin strip.
9. Wrap the aluminium strip around a cookie cutter to shape into ring and fix the 2 ends with pins to form a ring. Set aside.
10. Grease oil on worktop; place the dough and knockback. Divide the dough into equal portions of 140 grams each.
11. Take a portion on a worktop, shape into a ball, grease a baking tray with oil, place the prepared aluminium rings and place the dough balls into it.
12. Cover with a moist muslin cloth and set aside to prove for 10-15 minutes.
13. Apply milk wash on the buns. Sprinkle black and white sesame seeds on top of the buns.
14. Bake in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove the rings after baking. Apply butter on top of buns.
15. Use when required.

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