Buttered Puto | Panlasang Pinoy

Get the details of this recipe (in English) here: http://panlasangpinoy.com/2014/11/11/butter-puto/

Puto is a kind of rice cake in the Philippines. It is commonly made of glutinous rice flour or powdered sweet rice. However, since this ingredient is not available in most parts of the world, this video tutorial makes use of all-purpose flour.

The best partner for puto is a Filipino dish called dinuguan or blood stew (http://youtu.be/6o0lJvp_dgU). It is eaten by dipping the puto in dinuguan until the rice cake absorbs the sauce. Puto is also consumed in the morning with coffee or as a snack.

Other types of puto are: Puto bumbong, Puto Maya, Puto-Pao, Puto Manapla, Puto Binan, Puto Mamón, cheese puto, ube puto, puto flan or leche puto

This puto recipe is very simple and easy to prepare. Small colorful platic molds were used to shape the rice cakes. The puto were cooked by steaming.

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