Caramel Walnut Toffee Recipe Simple and Easy Caramel Candy by SooperChef

Caramel Walnut Toffee is an absolute delicious cold dessert that can be made in no time. This time saving and effortless sweet make one delightful bite. Try out this Caramel walnut Toffee at home and let us know how it turned out.

#CaramelWalnutToffee #CaramelToffee #HomemadeCandy

Caramel Walnut Toffee

Sugar 1 cup + 1 cup
Water 1/4 cup
Nurpur Dairy Cream 1 pack
Honey 2 tbsp
Corn syrup 1 tbsp.
Nurpur Butter 1/4 cup
Vanilla essence 1 tsp
Walnuts (crushed) 1 cup

1. In a heated pan add sugar and cook until sugar melts and caramelizes.
2. Now add water and mix it well. turn off the flame.
3. Add cream and cook for 1-2 mins. Add 1 cup of sugar and cook until sugar melts. Add honey, corn syrup and mix it well. Add butter and cook until butter melts.
4. Lastly add vanilla essence, walnuts and mix well.
5. Drop a small amount of the mixture into the water. Take the mixture in fingers and if it forms the shape, the mixture is ready.
6. Pour the prepared mixture into a mold and set aside for 1-2 hours.
7. Now take it out of the mold once hardened. Cut them in toffee shape and wrap in butter paper.
8. Your Caramel Walnut Toffee is ready.
Prep time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 15-20 mins
Servings: 5-6
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