Carla Makes a Giant Blueberry Pancake From the Test Kitchen Bon Apptit

Join Carla Music in the Bon Apptit Test Kitchen as she makes absolutely gigantic blueberry pancakes. While we love the concept of making pancakes for a crowd, we don't love the reality of standing over the stove, dishing out pancakes to guests like a short-order cook (and we definitely don't love relegating the early batches of pancakes to the oven, where their texture will surely suffer). And so this crowd-feeding "oven pancake" was born: Making one giant pancake instead of a bunch of smaller ones means that everyone will sit down to pancake breakfast at the same time. And because it's no flip, you don't have to worry about your spatula "skills." Use the 10 minutes when the pancake is in the oven to locate your maple syrup and butter and get plates onto the table.

Check out the recipe here:

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Bon Apptit is a highly opinionated food brand that wants everyone to love cooking and eating as much as we do. We believe in seasonal produce, properly salted pasta water, and developing recipes that anyone can make at home.
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