Ingredients: everyone is Lola here again I hopeyou all are doing well so today I'mgoing to be showing you how I make myeasy but delicious codfish stew so let'sget started I'm going to start bycleaning up my peppers tomatoes onionsand garlic and I'm going to wash themthoroughly and cut them into chunks sothat the blending process can be madeeasier for my blender so while we aredoing that I just want to tell you why Ikind of like this catfish to you thisGio is a stew of my childhood andgrowing up every Sunday after church myparents will drive down to the fish orchicken market and we either get a freshcatfish or the fresh chicken and weusually use these to make either thecatfish to you or the chickens to you soeach time I'm making this to you itbrings back a lot of good memories forme and I don't think I can ever forgetthese sweet memories so well back to ourcooking once the paper is well blendedI'll just point inside the bowl and I'mgoing to be setting it aside the nextthing to do is just get some oilpreheated in my pan and once the oil ishot I'm going to be throwing in my dicedonions and I'm going to stir fry thisover medium heat also the onions becometranslucentit's now time to add the thyme theginger and the tomato paste I'm going tobe mixing this tomato paste around alittle bit so that it's one standard inthe oil if it's too thick feel free toadd a splash of water and I'm just goingto leave this to fry for about threeminutes or thereabouts and this is goingto remove that sides is that usuallycomes along with a paste you get tonotice that the tomato paste is comingtogether in little clusters and thatwe're will to know it's well done soit's now time to add our blended papersI'm just going to give that a quick mixthen I'll cover it up and I'll leave itto come to a boil so while these two isboiling I'm going to be prepping mycatfish so when I went to buy my cutfish at my fish store I requested thatthe fish butcher help me clean it upand it did a pretty good job doing thatif your fish butcher doesn't offer thatservice it's very easy to clean it upjust use some salt to kind of scrub theskin you can also use a long just use itto wash down the skin this laminates ofthe fishes will to come out straightaway but for an extra step I like to putit inside a hot boiling water now thisboiling water is not just way to removethe jet it's also going to make the fishcompact so that by the time you areready to cook its immersed youeverything is not just going to scatterso after leaving the fish in the waterfor about three to five minutes I'lltake everything out and I'll give it arinse inside a portal in water then I'llbe setting it asideso now let's go back to this tube as youcan see this too is well world and it'sreduced at this point I'm just going toseason it with some salt curry powderblack pepper paprika and some seasoningpowder and I'm also going to add somechicken broth to loosen it up a littlebit the next thing to do is just to dropmy catfish one at a time inside thistube as you can see I'm kind of verycareful dropping this it's pretty softyou don't want everything to getscattered inside this teamwhile staring lists you again I'm notstaring vigorously like I would do ifI'm making chicken stew or beef stew youyou just use your cooking spoons to kindof go around this to you a little bitand that is enough now I'm just going tocover this up and I'll leave the fish tocook inside this chill for about tenminutes or a little more or lessdepending on how big or how small yourcatfish is so that is it guys this toyou is very easy to put together andit's very delicious the only thing Ireally don't like about this to you isjust that whenever we make it it doesn'tstay too long before everythingdisappears and that kind of bothers me alittle bit but you know it is what it isso I'm serving this today with someboiled white rice however this goespretty well with a variety of food likepastacouscous quinoa you can even serve thisand use it as a dip for your bread it'svery versatile and I'm pretty sure youare going to enjoy it as much as we doso that is it again for today and asusual all the links to the detailedrecipeLETS CONNECT!You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, I love keeping in touch with all of you If you make this recipe, Id love to see pictures of your creations on Instagram @cheflolaskitchenFacebook. @cheflolaskitchen-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Latest Video: "Super Crispy Baked Potato Wedges"