Celebrate The Holidays Mimosa Cake - Orange and Champagne Cake Recipe

Celebrate The Holidays Mimosa Cake - Orange and Champagne Cake Recipe
175 mL ( cup) butter
250 mL (1 cup) golden sugar
4 eggs
310 mL (1 cups) flour
10 mL (2 tsp) baking powder
Pinch of salt
50g / 125 mL ( cup) chopped nuts
100 mL (1/3 cup) sparkling wine
2 oranges, zested

Juice of 2 oranges
100g granulated sugar
60 mL ( cup) sparkling wine
310 mL (1 cups) 35% whipping cream
15 mL (1 Tbsp) icing sugar
45 mL (3 Tbsp)
45 mL (3 Tbsp) Glaze liquid

Method:Heat the oven to 180C (350F).
Butter and line two 8" cake tins
Cream together the butter and sugar, until light and fluffy.
Beat in the eggs, one at a time.
Mix in the orange zest, and nuts.
Mix together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
Alternate between mixing in the flour, and the sparkling wine.
Divide the batter between the two tins, smoothing the tops.
Bake for 30-35 mins or until risen and golden.
While the cakes are still lightly warm, prick all over with a skewer.
Combine the glaze ingredients and spoon over the cakes, let it soak in but you may not need all of it and save some for the whipped cream.
Allow to cool completely.
Whip together the filling ingredients until soft peaks form, then spread between layers and over top.

Welcome back, friends, to another episode in the kitchen! As we find ourselves in November, embracing the holiday season, I wanted to share something special with you. Running a food-centric YouTube channel has its perks, and one of them is the frequent arrival of boxes filled with wine from wineries eager to showcase their products. Over the year, we've accumulated five or six bottles of sparkling wine, sparking the idea to explore a unique cake recipe with a twist.

In this episode, I'll be deviating from the original cake recipe, making several modifications to suit my taste. Join me as we dive into the process, starting with softening butter in the stand mixer and creaming it with golden sugar. Sugar can be a tricky ingredient due to regional variations and myths surrounding it, but I'll be using a free-flowing golden sugar.

The choice of sugar also varies based on your location, with cane sugar being predominant in Eastern Canada, while beet sugar may be more common in other regions. Let's debunk some sugar myths along the way!

Next, we'll add flour, baking powder, and eggs to the mix, creating a base for our cake. Zesting two oranges into the batter and adding their juice will infuse a burst of citrus flavor. Now, it's time to incorporate the star ingredientsparkling wine. I've chosen pecans for a delightful nutty texture, but feel free to use your preferred nuts.

Once the batter is ready, we'll divide it between two cake tins and bake in a preheated oven at 350F. While the cakes are still warm, we'll poke holes and drizzle a mixture of orange juice, sugar, and sparkling wine over them, allowing the flavors to meld.

Now, let's create a whipped cream topping with a twist. I'll flavor it with the same orange and sparkling wine glaze used on the cake, adding a unique touch to the traditional whipped cream.

Assembling the cake involves layering the flavored whipped cream between the cakes and on top. A tip: refrigerate the cake until serving time, applying the whipped cream just before serving to maintain its texture.

Toasting the cake with a glass of sparkling wine reveals a fresh and flavorful experience. The acid component from the sparkling wine complements the sweetness of the cake, creating a sophisticated and adult dessert.

Experiment with different cake tin sizes to achieve the desired thickness. Whether you have access to ice wine or any sweet wine, it's the perfect pairing for this festive treat.

Join me in savoring the delightful combination of flavors in this adult cake. Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to sharing more culinary adventures with you soon!

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