Cheap VS Expensive Soda Including Coke and A&W Taste Testers EP 49

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Sodas can be easily purchased at no more than $2. They are the type of drinks we usually get at hawker centres or coffee shops. However, there are more than just sodas from F&N or A&W. If you pay close attention, youll be surprised to see what differences there are between cheap and expensive sodas in terms of taste.

In this episode of Taste Testers, our participants tried out 4 different types of sodas of different prices - one cheap, one expensive. Watch till the end to see which expensive sodas are worth the money!

Here are the four types of sodas we tried:

1. Root beer
2. Coke
3. Sparkling apple
4. Sparkling orange

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Featuring (in order of appearance):
Wen Chuan -
Peps -
Huiqing -
Asri -

Produced & Edited by:
Gwen Lee -

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