Chicken Bread Pakora (Stuffed Pakora) Recipe by SooperChef

Chicken Stuffed Pakora is a unique pakora recipe to try out if you are looking to eat something different and tasty. Chicken Filling in Potato and the crisp pf Pakora gives an unforgettable pleasure. Make these Chicken Stuffed Pakora at home and let us know how these turned out.

#ChickenStuffedPakora #StuffedPakora #PakoraRecipes

Potato Bun/Chicken Bread Pakora

Ingredients for gram flour mixture:
Gram flour 2 cups
Salt 1 tsp / to taste
Red chili powder 1 tbsp
Red chili flakes 1 tsp
Cumin powder 1 tbsp
Coriander powder 1 tbsp
Turmeric powder 1 tsp
Water as required

Ingredients for potato mixture:
Boiled potatoes (mashed) 500 g
Green coriander (chopped) 1/2 cup
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
Salt 1 tsp / to taste

Ingredients for Chicken:
Oil 3 tbsp
Boneless chicken cubes 500 g
Soy sauce 2 tbsp
Chili sauce 2 tbsp
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
Salt 1 tsp / to taste

Ingredients for Red Sauce:
Mayonnaise 1 cup
Sriracha sauce 1/2 cup

Ingredients for Green Sauce:
Green coriander 1 cup
Mint leaves 1/4 cup
Green chilies 2-3
Water as required
Mayonnaise 1 cup
Green chutney 1/3 cup

Ingredients for assembling:
Bread slices as required
Green sauce as required
Red sauce as required
Potato filling as required
Cheddar cheese slices as required
Gram flour mixture as required
Chicken (shredded) as required

Directions for Gram Flour Mixture Preparation:
1. In a bowl add gram flour, salt, red chili powder, red chili flakes, cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, water and mix well. your gram flour mixture is ready.
Directions for Potato Mixture Preparation:
2. In a bowl add potatoes, green coriander, black pepper, salt and mix well. your potato mixture is ready.
Directions for Chicken Preparation:
3. In a pan heat oil and add chicken. Cook until it changes color.
4. Now add soy sauce, chili sauce and cook for a minute.
5. Add black pepper powder, salt and cook until chicken gets tender.
6. Transfer the chicken in a bowl. Let it cool at room temperature and shred it into pieces. Your chicken is ready.
Directions for Red Sauce Preparation:
7. In a bowl add mayo and sriracha sauce. Mix it well. your red sauce is ready.
Directions for Green Sauce Preparation:
8. In a glass jar add coriander, mint leaves, green chilies, water and blend well.
9. In a bowl add mayo and prepared green chutney. Mix it well and your green sauce is ready.
Directions for Assembling:
10. Take bread slices and cut them in round shape.
11. On one slice spread red sauce and green sauce on another slice.
12. Add a layer of prepared chicken on a slice with red sauce, place a cheddar cheese slice and cover it with the bread slice with green sauce.
13. Press the sandwich in hands to combine the edges.
14. Now take potato mixture in hands and cover the prepared sandwich in potato mixture.
15. Dip the bun in gram flour mixture and deep fry it until golden brown in color.
16. Your chicken bread pakora is ready. Garnish it with veggies and sauces. Serve and enjoy.
Prep time: 15-20 mins
Cooking time: 25-30 mins
Servings: 5-6
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