Chicken Changezi Old Delhi style spicy Chicken recipe Chef Ranveer Brar

CHICKEN CHANGEZI - One of the most popular street foods of Sadi Dilli, Chicken Changezi is a spicy Chicken recipe that is perfect for the weekend and this weather :)


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Preparation time 5-10 minutes
Cooking time 25-30 minutes
Serve 2-4

For Chicken Marination
900 gms Chicken (thigh & drumstick)
2 tsp Ginger Garlic paste,
Salt to taste,
2 heaped tbsp Curd, beaten,
1 tsp Turmeric powder,
tsp Degi red chili powder,
tsp Coriander powder,

For Onion Masala
Oil for shallow fry,
4 medium Onions, sliced,
6-7 Cashew Nuts,
1 tsp Degi red chili powder,
tsp Turmeric powder,
1 tsp Coriander powder,
Salt to taste,

For Cooking Chicken
2-4 tbsp Fried onion oil,
Marinated chicken,

For Chicken Changezi
2 tbsp Fried onion oil,
1 no. Black Cardamom,
2-4 no. Cloves,
1 inch Cinnamon stick,
1 tsp Ginger Garlic paste,
1 no. Green chili (less spicy & broken into half)
1 cup fresh Tomato puree,
Prepared Onion Masala,
2 tbsp Curd, beaten,
1 tsp Coriander powder,
1 tsp Degi red chili powder,
tsp Cumin powder,
Cooked Chicken,
cup Water,

For Garnish
Coriander sprig,

For Chicken Marination
In a bowl, add chicken, ginger garlic paste, salt to taste, curd, turmeric powder, degi red chili powder, coriander powder and mix everything well.
Keep it aside for further use.

For Onion Masala
In a shallow pan, add oil, once it's hot, add onion and shallow fry on medium flame for 3-4 minutes until translucent, transfer it into a tray.
Add cashew nuts into the same pan and fry for 1-2 minutes on low flame and transfer it to the tray.
Add degi red chili powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder and salt to taste.
Transfer it into a grinder jar and make a coarse paste.
Keep it aside for further use.

For Cooking Chicken
In a shallow pan or tawa, add fried onion oil, once it's hot, place marinated chicken into the oil.
Shallow fry the chicken for 7-8 minutes on medium flame or until tender.
Transfer it onto a plate and keep it aside for further use.

For Chicken Changezi
In the same pan or tawa, add fried onion oil, once it's hot, add black cardamom, cloves, cinnamon stick and let it splutter.
Add ginger garlic paste, green chili and saute on medium flame.
Add fresh tomato puree and let it cook for 4-5 minutes.
Once the tomato puree is cooked, add prepared onion masala and saute it well on medium flame.
Add curd, coriander powder, degi red chili powder, cumin powder and saute well.
Add cooked chicken and mix well, add water and let it cook for 5-6 minutes on medium flame.
Transfer it onto a serving dish and garnish it with coriander sprig.
Serve hot with roti.

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