Chicken Fingers Recipe By SooperChef Presents Chicken Fingers Recipe. Learn how to make Easy Chicken Fingers Recipe at Home. You can make Chicken Fingers by watching this short but comprehensive Video by sooperchef.
#ChickenFingers #ChickenFingersRecipe #SooperChef

Ingredients for chicken finger:

500 gm Chicken
1 TSP Soy Sauce
Salt (As Needed)
TSP Black Pepper Powder
1 TSP Paprika Powder
TSP Oregano
TSP Garlic Powder
1 Egg
3 TBSP Maida
1 TBSP Corn Flour
2 Cup Bread Crumbs
Oil (As Needed)
Instructions for chicken fingers:

1- First of all, take a bowl, add chicken, salt, black pepper powder, paprika powder, oregano, Garlic Powder, Egg, Soy Sauce, Maida, Corn Flour, and mix all these ingredients. Keep this mixture in the fridge for 30 minutes
2- Next, take a pan, add oil. Let it some hot.
3- Its time for deep frying. Apply bread crumbs at the marinated chicken and fry it until it changes into golden brown.
Preparation Time: 40 Minutes

Serve: 3 People
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