लॉकडाउन में चॉकलेट केक खाने का करे मन, घर पे बनायें बिना अंडे, मैदा, क्रीम- Chocolate Cake in Cooker | Healthy Kadai

In this Corona Lockdown scenario when the market is closed, and you have limited ingredients at home - this chocolate cake recipe is just perfect. No Egg, No Maida, No Cream, No Butter, No oven required for baking this cake - Simply bake this cake in the Pressure cooker!

Whole Wheat Flour (Atta) - 1 cup (125 gms)
Baking Powder (1 tsp)
Baking Soda (1/2 tsp)
Instant Coffee Powder (1 tsp)
Cocoa Powder (2 tbsp)
Curd (1/2 cup)
Milk(1/3 cup)
Oil (1/4 cup)
Vanilla Essence (1 tsp)
Powdered Sugar (1/2 cup)

For Chocolate Custard:
Milk - 1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Corn Flour - 2 tbsp
Coffee Powder - 1 tsp
Cocoa Powder - 1 tsp each
Dark Chocolate compound - 70 gms

Written recipe at https://www.healthykadai.com/2020/04/eggless-chocolate-custard-cake.html

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