Chocolate Ice Cream | Recipe by Archana in Marathi | Easy to Make at Home Dessert | Ruchkar Mejwani

Did you know making Chocolate Ice Cream at home can be so much fun?? It is natural, cost effective and tastes even better! Our chef Archana brings you the simple recipe of Chocolate Ice Cream!

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1/2 litre Milk
1/2 cup Fresh Cream
8 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Drinking Chocolate Powder
1 tbsp Cocoa Powder
1 tbsp GMS Powder (softener)
1 tbsp Corn Flour
1/8th tsp Alginate (stabilizer)


१/२ लिटर दूध
१/२ कप मलई
८ tbsp साखर
१ tbsp चॉकलेट पावडर
१ tbsp कोको पावडर
१ tbsp GMS पावडर
१ tbsp कॉरन फ्लौर
१/८ tsp Alginate


To make the Chocolate Base:
- In a bowl add milk, sugar, drinking chocolate powder, cocoa powder, gms powder, corn flour & alginate. Mix everything well with a spoon. Do not beat the mixture.
- Put the mixture on a medium heat and let it come to a boil. Keep stirring till the mixture comes to a semi liquid consistency.
- Pour the mixture in a plastic container and allow it to cool down completely.
- Once the mixture cools down, put the container in the refrigerator and allow it to set for 6 hours.
- Your Chocolate Base is ready.

To make the Chocolate Ice Cream:
- In a mixer grinder add the chocolate base and fresh cream.
- Grind everything to a smooth consistency.
- Pour the mixture in a plastic container and allow it to set in a refrigerator for 5 hours.
- Your delicious Chocolate Ice Cream is ready!

Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

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