Chocolate Milk Tart Recipe | Eggless Milk Tart Recipe | SooperChef

Milk Tart : Chocolate Milk Tart Recipe, is a classic and velvety combination of chocolate and milk, adorn with Chocolatto Cookies. If you rave for Meetha then try this bundle of joy Chocolate Milk Tart Recipe this Bakra Eid.
#ChocolateMilkTart #BakraEidSpecialRecipe #SooperChef #Tart

Chocolate tart:
Ingredients for base:
Bisconni Chocolatto Cookies as required
1/4 cup Butter (melted)

Ingredients for filling:
4 cups Milk
1 tbsp Butter
1/2 cup Condensed milk
Vanilla essence a pinch
1/2 cup Cream
1 tbsp Corn flour
Cinnamon powder to sprinkle

In a blender add Bisconni Chocolatto Cookies, butter and blend them.
Take a mold, set the mix in the mold and let it sit for 1 hour in refrigerator.
In a pan add milk, butter, condensed milk, vanilla essence and whisk it well.
Add corn flour and whisk until you get desired consistency.
Then add cream and whisk until it’s well combined.
Pour this sauce in your tart and let it set completely in refrigerator for 3 hour at least.
Decorate with Bisconni Chocolatto Cookies and serve chilled.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Serving: 3-4
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