Chongqing top 10 foods you MUST try | Aaron Sawich

I have been living in Chongqing since 2015 and also love the food here so I thought I would do a personal Chongqing top 10 foods list for Aaron's China Guide. As with all top 10 lists, others will be different but I'm sure most of the foods will be spicy no matter who makes it. Noodles, chicken, hot pot, fish, wontons, and more make an appearance. From ge le shan la zi ji to ci qi kou mao xue wang. Take a look at some of the amazing spicy and numbing (ma la) food Chongqing has to offer. After living in China for many years, I have to say this is some of the spiciest Chinese food ever. Give Chongqing food a try, it's amazing.
To see other foods that didn't make my top 10, please watch my Chongqing food tour playlist.
Note: Because of the coronavirus, I haven't been able to do outside food videos this year. This top 10 video is made up of videos made from 2016 to 2019.

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