Chopsuey (Chop Suey) | Panlasang Pinoy

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Chop suey is a vegetable dish made-up of a mixture of different vegetables, chicken, and boiled quail eggs. It is a common dish in Filipino Cuisine, Chinese Cuisine, and Chinese American cuisine. In Filipino Cuisine, Chop Suey or Chopsuey is served with warm white rice. Chicken liver is also sometimes added.

There are also other Chop Suey versions in the Philippines such as Squid Ball Chop Suey or Chop Suey with Squid balls ( This version makes use of squid balls as an additional ingredient. In other cuisines, chop suey is eaten with noodles such as chow mein; it can also be topped in pasta such as spaghetti or fettuccine for a nice vegtable pasta dish.

This Chop Suey cooking video will show you how to cook the Filipino version of Chop Suey. The link above will lead you to the Panlasang Pinoy food blog wherein you will get the details for this Chop suey recipe.
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