क्लासिक स्पेनिश अमेरिकी |Classic Spanish Omlete | Chefharpalsingh | chefharpalsingh

“This Classic Spanish Omlete is very versatile and quick to whip up. The tortilla (or Spanish omelette) can be served hot or cold and is a fantastic Dish


Potatoes slice - 2 Nos
Oil - for Deep Frying
Onion Slice - 1big
Egg -4 nos
Salt- to taste
Pepper- to taste
Oil -1Tbsp
Serve Tomato Mixed Herbs Salad With Omelette


1. Peel the potatoes,Then carefully cut them into thin slices,Peel and finely slice the onion also
2. Heat oil in deep kadai to deep fry.
3.When oil is heat up Put potatoes slices to fry and in some time put onion Slices.
4.Until the onions are turning golden and the potato slices are cooked fry them.
5.Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl, season with a tiny pinch of salt and black pepper, then whisk together with a fork.
6.When the onions and potatoes are cooked, remove in strainer first for drain out oil.Then remove them in a bowl .
7. Take frying pan put some oil to fry .
8.Carefully tip the egg into the fried onion an potatoes Bowl.
9.Transfer the mixture back into the frying pan and place it over a low heat.
10. Carefully flip the pan over a dinner plate and tip out the Omlete, then slide it back into the pan and cook for another 5 minutes, or until golden and cooked through.
11.Turn out the Spanish Omlete onto a serving board, then cut it and serve hot or cold with a simple Tomato Mixed Herbs Salad.

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