Coca-Cola Butterflied Chicken With Pita Bread Recipe By SooperChef

Coca-Cola Butterflied Chicken served with Pita Bread on the side is a delicious twist to your weekend meal. A perfect blend of spices paired with Coca-Cola will make your weekend extra special.
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Ingredients for Pita Bread:
Warm water 1/3 cup
Warm milk 1/2 cup
Yeast 1 tbsp
Sugar 2 ½ tbsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Oil 1 tbsp
All-purpose flour 2 ½ cups

Ingredients for Chicken Seasoning:
Whole chicken (with skin) 1 - 1.5 kg
Salt (for seasoning) to taste
Black pepper powder (for seasoning) to taste

Ingredients for Sauce:
Olive oil 1 tbsp
Coca-Cola 1 1/2 cup
Ketchup 4 tbsp
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder 1/2 tsp
Cumin powder 1 ½ tsp
Red chili flakes 1 tsp
Onion powder 1 tsp
Garlic powder 1 tsp
Dry thyme 1 tsp
Dry rosemary 1 tsp
Soy sauce 4 tbsp

Ingredients for Butterfly Chicken:
Onion rings as required
Tomato veggies as required
Carrot veggies as required
Potatoes veggies as required
Garlic cloves as required
Olive oil 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder to taste
Seasoned chicken
Sauce as required

Directions for Pita Bread Preparation:
1. In a bowl add flour, sugar, salt, yeast, oil and mix well. Add warm water and milk and knead a smooth dough. Let it rest until double in size.
2. Transfer the dough to dough mat and divide into 8 equal parts. Roll each ball into small disc.
3. Bake them in preheated oven at 180°C for 10-12 minutes and set aside.
Directions for Butterfly Chicken Preparation:
4. Take whole chicken and spatchcock it. Rub salt and black pepper gently over whole chicken and let it rest for 30 minutes.
5. Set a small sauce pot over medium heat. Add olive oil, Coca-Cola, ketchup, salt, black pepper powder, cumin powder, red chili flakes, onion powder, garlic powder, dry thyme, dry rosemary, soy sauce and simmer until sauce thicken to desired consistency. Take off flame and let it cool on room temperature.
6. Place the chicken on greased baking pan and brush sauce all over it.
7. Place onions, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, garlic on the baking pan, season with olive oil, salt and black pepper, place seasoned chicken and cover with foil paper.
8. Place it in the pre-heated oven at 220°C for 20 minutes.
9. Brush the remaining sauce over the chicken and bake for another 15 minutes at 180°C or until the interior temperature reads 73°C. Your Butterfly chicken is ready. serve with pita bread.
Preparation time: 20-30 mins
Cooking time: 1 hr.
Serving: 4-5
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