Coffee Recipe | Dalgona Coffee | Cappuccino | Mocha | Latte | SooperChef

Here are four types of coffee for all coffee lovers. From famous dalgona coffee to latte, cappuccino and mocha all coffee recipes in one video. All these irritable coffee recipes for winter you can’t miss. Do try any of these coffee recipes and let us know your personal favorite.

#Coffee #DalgonaCoffee #Cappuccino #Mocha #Latte

Coffee 4 Ways
Ingredients for espresso mixture:
Coffee powder 1/4 cup
Water 1 cup
Sugar 1/4 cup
Milk 1 liter
Milk foam (as required)
Ingredients for latte:
Milk 1/2 cup (2 portion)
Espresso mixture 1/2 cup (2 portion)
Milk foam 2 tbsp
Ingredients for cappuccino:
Milk 1/4 cup
Espresso mixture 1/4 cup
Milk foam 1/4 cup
Ingredients for dalgona coffee:
Coffee 2 tbsp
Sugar 2 tbsp
Water 2 tbsp
Milk (chilled) 1 cup
Ice cubes as required
Ingredients for mocha coffee:
Coffee 1 tbsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Cocoa powder 1 tbsp
Milk 1 cup
Water 2 tbsp

Firstly, prepare expresso mixture: In a kettle add water, bring it to boil then add coffee powder, sugar and stir until dissolved. Your espresso shots are ready.
Then in a pot add milk and bring it to boil. Shift half of the milk in a bowl and beat until foamy.
For cappuccino: in a cup add equal quantity of espresso mixture, warm milk and milk foam. Your cappuccino is ready.
For dalogna: in a bowl add coffee, sugar, water and beat well until light color frothy coffee mixture is formed.
Take a mug and fill it with ice cubes, chilled milk and top it with frothy coffee mixture. Your dalgona coffee is ready.
For latte: take two portions of espresso mixture add two portions of warm milk and add a light milk foam on top. Your latte is ready.
For mocha: in a bowl add coffee, sugar, cocoa powder, water and mix it well.
Add one tablespoon of this mocha mixture in a cup of warm milk, top it with milk foam and sprinkle some cocoa powder. It’s ready.
Serve your delicious coffees and enjoy this lovely winter season.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
Serving: 4-5
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