Ingredients hello everyone its Lola here again Iwelcome you all to my kitchen today I'mgoing to be showing you how to makejambalaya yesand we'll also we know what jambalaya isbut today we are going seafoodactually I know a lot of you know thatjambalaya when you want to make it youusually use the sausage but today I'mnot using sausages I feel like goingseafood and my choice of seafood todayis the scallops and the shrimps feelfree to use any seafood you want to useit's all well and good so I'll show youhow I make it so let's get startedso the first thing I'm going to do is toclean up my scallops and to do that it'svery easy all you have to do is to firstremove any attached muzzle you find onthe scallops this mussels come attachedwith the scallops when you buy themhowever with some scallops we are notgoing to find anyone maybe they'vedropped off or something so wherever youfind them just remove them and once youare done removing all the mussels youcan now rinse the scallops if you sowish and one important thing you have todo is to dry them up make sure you drythem up with a paper towel or a cleankitchen towel so that there's no liquidlingering around the scallops in thatway your seasoning can stick on them bythe time we are ready to fry them returnthem back into the bowl then I'm goingto be spicing them off actually thisseason you can put here varies dependingon what you want but I just find it easyto put simple salt paprika and a littlebit of chili flakes just for that heatyou knowso now I'm just going to get this mixedtogether next is my shrimp like I toldyou I'm going to be using shrimps aswell and I will do the same thing I willjust dry them up and I'll spice them andall houses in them okay so onceeverything is dried I'm just going to bereturning it back to my bowl here we gookay so the next thing I'm going to dois just to also season this book andjust like I did the last time I'm goingto be adding a little bit of salt somepepper thyme and some chili flakes nowmix everything togetherI will also be setting this aside andI'm going to start cooking them rightnow I'm going to start by adding abouttwo and half tablespoons of cooking oilinside my pan today I'm using coconutoil however you can use any type of oilyou choose toso the oil is now hot I'm now going tobe adding my shrimpsso after hosting the streams for abouttwo minutes I'm going to be clipping itto the other side and I was cooking thatfor another three minutesso these are all done I'll just betaking them out of the pan in I'll besetting them aside so in the same pan Iused for frying my shrimps I'm going tobe frying my scallops as well and hereI've added about three tablespoons ofcoconut oilI also wait for that to get hot thenI'll start frying my scallops so this ispretty hot now I will just be adding myscallops I'll just cook this for about aminute and half on each side till it'sdonenow I'm just dicing my bell peppers sothey are missing three bell peppers thered the yellow and the green however youcan just choose to use any type of bellpeppers you want I like to make myjambalaya voilathat's our base for the jambalaya I'llbe pouring my sauteed vegetables insidethe baking pan so just add the crushedtomatoes and give it a good mix all thatis well mixed together I'm going to beadding my chicken stock so here you canuse basically any stock you want you canuse vegetable stock but today I chose touse the chicken stock and finally I'vegot my rice today I'm using the basmatiricemix that and make sure everything iswell combinedat this point feel free to taste theseasoning if everything is on point ifas they need to add one or two otherseasoning this is the right time to dothat so I just want to give this a quicktaste perfect it is so nice so it'sready to go into the oven how about thissweet a4 paper and I will be taking thisin 350 degrees preheated oven and I'mgoing to be baking it for about 45minutes to one hour or till the ricebecomes really tender so guys here we goour jambalaya is ready let's seeso greatLETS CONNECT!You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, I love keeping in touch with all of you If you make this recipe, Id love to see pictures of your creations on Instagram @cheflolaskitchenFacebook. @cheflolaskitchenAnother great Jambalaya recipe can be found here: Video: "Super Crispy Baked Potato Wedges"