Cooking Video for Kids: Instant Pot Mac and Cheese Recipe

Mac and cheese is a cinch in the Instant Pot! It comes together so quickly and easily you might think you forgot a step the first time you try it! ;) You don't even need to be able to boil water or know when pasta is done for it to come out perfect!

Since my daughter Leah can't have dairy anymore, we've had to let this one go for now, but it's a great recipe to have on hand for quick lunches or a dinner side. It's easily made with either gluten-free or regular pasta.

I'm not a fan of "secret veggies" (i.e. hiding veggies in your kids' food!) But I have no problem with surprising uses for vegetables that make them more palatable for kids.

This mac and cheese has pureed pumpkin in the cheese sauce! You don't have to hide it, go ahead and let them know it's there, but I bet your kids are more likely to eat pumpkin when it's mixed into yummy cheese sauce than if they were eating a bowl of roasted squash!

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