Corn and Chick Peas Salad by Kriti | India Food Network

Kriti shows you how to make the perfect and quickest recipe so you do not spend time cooking while others in your house are having fun! Try it out and keep your guests wanting for more!


1. Asian Sesame Oil (1 Tbsp)
2. Lemon Juice (Half)
3. Honey (1 Tsp)
4. Soy Sauce (1 Tsp)
5. Chilli Powder (1/2 Tsp)
6. Raisins (2 Tbsp)
7. Roasted Cumin Powder (1/2 Tsp)
8. Roasted Crushed Peanuts (1/2 Cup)
9. Spring Onion Greens (1/2 Cup)
10. Boiled Corn (1 Cup)
11. Boiled Chick Peas (1 Cup)
12. Cherry Tomatoes (1/2 Cup)

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