Creamy Delight: Dive into our Banana Cream Caramel Dessert

Satisfy your sweet cravings with our delectable Banana Cream Caramel Dessert. Elevate your dessert game with layers of creamy delight and rich caramel. Do not forget to share your feedback in comments.

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Banana Cream Caramel Dessert

Ingredients for Vanilla Custard:
NESTL MILKPAK Full Cream Milk 1 litre
Custard slurry (vanilla custard powder 3 tbsp + milk 1 cup)
Sugar 1 cup

Ingredients for Caramel Sauce:
Sugar 1 cup
NESTL MILKPAK Dairy Cream 1/4 cup
NESTL MILKPAK Salted Dairy Butter 3 tbsp

Ingredients for Creamy Custard:
NESTL MILKPAK Whipping Cream 1 pack
Prepared vanilla custard 1 cup

Ingredients for Assembling:
Vanilla custard as required
Creamy custard as required
Caramel sauce as required
Candi biscuits (crushed) 2 cups

Directions for Vanilla Custard Preparation:
1. In a pot heat NESTL MILKPAK Full Cream Milk and bring it to a boil.
2. Add custard slurry and stir continuously to avoid lumps.
3. Now add sugar and cook until sugar dissolves and custard thickens in consistency. Turn off the flame and let it cool at room temperature.
Directions for Caramel Sauce Preparation:
4. In a pan heat sugar and let it melt. Now turn off the flame and add NESTL MILKPAK Dairy cream Mix it well.
5. Add NESTL MILKPAK Salted Dairy Butter and mix it again. Your caramel sauce is ready.
Directions for Creamy Custard Preparation:
1. In a bowl add NESTL MILKPAK Whipping Cream and beat until fluffy and stiff peaks form.
Note: Chill the cream overnight in the fridge and whip it with an electric beater.
6. Add prepared vanilla custard into the cream and mix it well. Set aside.
Directions for Assembling:
7. In dessert glasses, add a layer of crushed candi biscuits, vanilla custard, banana slices, whipped cream, vanilla custard, whipped cream and drizzle caramel sauce on top.
8. Place a banana slice on top and serve. Your Banana Cream Caramel Dessert is ready.
Prep time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 10-12 mins
Servings: 3-4
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