Creamy Mushroom Chicken Recipe With Vegetable Rice By SooperChef

Kuch Jhatpat Aur Mazedar Chahiye? Try this speedy yet tasty Creamy Mushroom Chicken Recipe with vegetable rice. Looks great, tastes wonderful!

Creamy Chicken with Mushroom Sauce Recipe in English

1 tbsp Olive oil
1 tbsp Butter
400 gm K&Ns Tender Pops
Cup Water
cup onion, finely chopped
1 tsp garlic, crushed
Cup mushrooms, sliced
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup cream
1 tbsp freshly chopped parsley, for garnish

Ingredients for Fried Rice:
2 tbsp oil
1 egg, beaten
1/2 tsp food color, yellow
1/4 cup carrots, julienne
1/4 cup cabbage, chopped
1/4 cup capsicum (Red, Yellow, Green) julienne
300 gm rice, boiled
Salt & Pepper as per taste
1 tsp Soy Sauce
1 tsp Vinegar

Directions for Creamy Chicken:
Heat the pan and add the olive oil, butter fry the garlic for a minute. Add the onion and fry for another 12 minutes. Add the mushrooms and fry until golden-brown. If they start to stick, add a little water to the pan.
Put the water in the pan and add K&Ns STOK. Bring to the boil.
Season with salt, white pepper and black pepper.Add the cream, stir well

Prepare the K&Ns Tender Pops as per the instruction on the pack.

Add the prepared Tender Pops in the pan and stir again. put the parsley into the sauce, stir and serve immediately.

Directions for Fried Rice:
Heat oil in a pan add egg, yellow food color and stir well.
Now put the cabbage, carrot, capsicum, and stir well.
Add vinegar, soy sauce and mix well.
Add the rice and mix well with the vegetables, seasoning salt & pepper.

Serve Creamy Chicken with Mushroom Sauce hot with vegetable fried rice.

Serves: 3-4
Time: 40 mins
Creamy Chicken with Mushroom Sauce Recipe in Urdu
K&Ns Tender Pops 400


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: 40 Minutes
: 3-4
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