Curd Yogurt - By VahChef @ | Vahchef - VahRehVah

how to make yogurt
Curd is a dairy product made by curdling milk with rennet or and edible acidic substance like lemon juice or vinegar. Curd is also popularly known as Yoghurt. The liquid portion called whey is drained off. Milk that has been left to sour (raw milk alone or pasteurized milk with added lactic acid bacteria or yeast) will naturally produce curds. The increased acidity causes the milk proteins to tangle into solid masses, or curds. The rest, which contains only whey proteins, is the whey. In cow's milk, 80% of the proteins are caseins.

milk 300 ml
curd sample 20 ml

Heat milk and cool to 120 fahrenheat. Add curd sample and set for 3 hrs and put in fridge when set.

Curd or yogurt is esteemed for its smoothness, pleasant and refreshing taste. It is highly versatile and health-promoting and one of the most valuable therapeutic foods. Curd is a very nourishing food. It is a valuable source of protein, essential vitamins and minerals. It is also a rich source of calcium and riboflavin. The proteins in curd are more readily digested than the protein in milk. It has been estimated that regular milk is only 32% digested after an hour in the digestive tract, whereas 91% of curd is digested within the same period of time. It is, therefore, an ideal diet for those with sensitive digestive systems, particularly young children and elderly persons.

In the process of making curd, bacteria convert milk into curd and predigest milk protein. These bacteria then inhibit the growth of hostile or illness-causing bacteria inside the intestinal tract and promote beneficial bacteria needed for digestion. These friendly bacteria facilitate the absorption of minerals and aid in the synthesis of vitamins of B group. Buttermilk, which has same nutritive and curative value as curd, is prepared by churning curd and adding some water, removing the fat in the form of butter.

Curd is also considered one of the best aids to natural good looks. It supplies the nerves and the skin with healthy ingredients and counteracts the ill-effects of exposure to the scorching sun. The bacteria in curd make the skin soft and glowing. Curd is also considered valuable in conditioning the hair. Apart from the lactic acid organisms placed in the milk for the purpose of souring it, the acid of sour milk and its lactose content are important curative factors in a number of diseases. Curd brings relief to patients suffering from gastro-intestinal disorders such as chronic constipation and diarrhoea.

Besides aiding in the digestion of food, curd decreases dryness and gas in the stomach by helping in secretion of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and renin. Excessive liberation of ammonia, which is one of the major causes of coma in hepatitis, can be prevented by liberal use of curd. The lectic acid organisms in the curd counter act the formation of ammonia. In jaundice, curd or buttermilk sweetened with honey, makes an ideal diet.

Having buttermilk prepared out of curd after the meals proves beneficial for digestion of food. If you find difficult to consume curd regularly you can have it occasionally in form of the Indian preparations like lassi, shrikhand, piyush etc. You can add few pieces of mango or strawberry to the curd and grind it. A fruity drink is ready for you! Have it in form of curry by adding some coriander leaves, turmeric powder, chilly powder, ginger and garlic. Even adding a little sugar makes curd taste good. Curd can also be used in vegetable salads.

Curd rice is having a special place in most of the children's menu due to its creamy texture.
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