Dambu-Nama - Nigerian dried Beef floss

Here is my recipe for another Northern Nigerian (Hausa/Fulani) delicacy.

3 pounds of Beef
1 medium size diced red bell pepper
1 medium sized diced Tomato
1 large Red bell pepper
1 large onion
2 stock cubes (plus 1 more)
Salt to taste (the lesser the better)
1/4 Cup suya spice seasoning
1 Teaspoon of hot chilli pepper (more or less depending on your heat tolerance level)
1/2 Teaspoon of Ginger powder
About 11/2 to 2 Cups of Water (more or less)
6 to 10 Tbs of Oil (preferably groundnut Oil but not mandatory)


The Meat needs to be very tender I boiled mine for 2 hours but you can boil between 11/2 to 3 hours on a medium heat depending on the quantity of the Beef you are using.

Make sure the Water you use in Boiling the Beef is totally dried up before shredin the beef otherwise you might have some difficulty while frying it if the water content is too much.

Add very little salt in order to get the authentic Northern taste.

I use the standard US standard measuring cup for my all my measurements and you can check for the unit conversion on this link

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