Deadly Webcap - Foraging Mushrooms UK (Cortinarius rubellus)

Through this video, we're going to take a look at the identification keys used for discovering wild Deadly Webcaps mushrooms (Cortinarius rubellus) This is important as it's a deadly toxic mushroom and when we get confident in identifying it we know how to avoid picking it.

This mushroom is a member of the Cortinarius family, also known as the webcap mushrooms as you can often find significant webbing around the area between the stem and cap edge in young mushrooms of this family.

The deadly webcap isn't found that often throughout the whole of the UK but it is found in significant numbers when it gets a good footing and the conditions are just right. This huge group of them was found in a woodland in Dumfries, south Scotland.

For a full written guide for the deadly webcap mushroom head over to our site.

Happy Mushroom Foraging,
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