Deep Fried Pizza Recipe By SooperChef

Love pizza? This time try something new, instead of baking fry your pizza and enjoy a new pizza flavor. This deep fried pizza recipe is a must try if you’re looking for something tasty and new. Give it a try and share your experience with us.
#Pizza #DeepFriedPizza #PizzaRecipe #SooperChef

Deep Fried Pizza
Ingredients for dough:
Oregano 1 tbsp
Flour 500 gm
Yeast 11gm
Sugar 1tbsp
Salt 1 tsp
Milk 100 ml
Egg 1
Oil 50 ml
Ingredients for Chicken Marination:
Salt 1 tbsp
Black pepper 1 tsp
Red chilli powder 1 tsp
Cumin powder 1 tsp
Coriander powder 1 tsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
Lemon juice 1 tbsp
Chicken 500 gm
Oil 30 ml
Onion (small slice) 1
Capsicum (small sliced) 1
Tomatoes (small sliced) 1
Sweet corns (as required)
Olives (as required)
Cheddar cheese
Mozzarella cheese
Pizza sauce
Red chilli flake 1 tbsp
Add yeast, sugar and ½ cup luke warm water in jar and let in proof.
Directions for Chicken Marination:
Add salt, red chilli flake, black pepper, red chilli powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, ginger garlic paste, lemon juice and oil in chicken.
Mix it well and it marinate for 10 minutes then cook it on medium flame until completely cooked and dry.
Directions for Dough:
Add flour proofed yeast, milk, egg, oregano, salt and oil in bowl and knead the dough.
Cover it with cling film and now rest it until it will be double in size.
Divide the dough and make a round roti and poke with fork.
Spread pizza sauce, cooked chicken, onion, capsicum, tomatoes, sweet corn, olives, cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese and sprinkle oregano on dough.
Cover with another roti and turn the boundaries nicely.
Fried it until golden brown. Your tasty fried pizza is ready to serve.

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serving: 5-6
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