Degusta Espaa: Spain, back to classics - Online tasting conducted by Ferrn Centelles

October 15th 2020.
Degusta Espaa commented tastings, organized by ICEX Office in Warsaw, have changed the formula and moved this year to the online space. Thanks to this, we can contact the greatest wine related celebrities from Spain. Those who want to taste wines together with the Spanish Master Sommelier, can buy them from selected importers or in a package.
Ferran Centelles began his professional career as a sommelier at elBulli, which has been repeatedly recognized as the best restaurant in the world. For 13 years he was part of the restaurant team, being responsible for the wine list. Currently, running the platform and The Barcelona Wine School, he is involved in the education and promotion of wine culture. He collaborates with the elBulli foundation of Ferran Adria, creating the Bullipedia encyclopedia, a 35-volume compendium about gastronomy. He has been awarded as the Best Spanish Sommelier (2006), with the Spanish National Award for Gastronomy (2011), the Professional of the Year (2013) and Outstanding Alumni of WSET Wine & Spirits Education Trust.
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