Delicious Chilli Cheese Bread Roll Recipe - Perfect for Iftar Snacks (Ramzan Special Recipe)

Spice up your Iftar with these mouth-watering Chili Cheese Bread Rolls! The perfect snack to break your fast with. These Chili Cheese filled bread fingers will make you want more. Try them out and share your feedback with us.

0:00 Intro
0:18 Chili Chicken Filling Preparation
0:41 Chili Cheese Bread Roll Preparation
1:49 Recipe Card

Chili Cheese Bread Rolls

Ingredients for Chili Cheese Filling:
Mozzarella cheese (grated) 2 cups
Capsicum (chopped) 1 cup
Green chilies (chopped) 1/2 cup
Chili sauce 1 tbsp
Salt 1 tsp
Black pepper 1/2 tbsp

Ingredients for Chili Cheese Bread Rolls:
Chili Cheese Filling as required
Beaten eggs as required
Bread crumbs as required
Bread slices as required
Water (for brushing) as required
Oil (for frying) as required

Directions for Chili Cheese Filling Preparation:
1. In a bowl add mozzarella cheese, capsicum, green chilies, chili sauce, salt and black pepper. Mix it well and set aside.
Directions for Chili Cheese Bread Rolls Preparation:
2. Now take a bread slice, remove the edges and flatten it with a rolling pin.
3. Fill it with the chili cheese mixture, roll it and bind it with water.
4. Now dip it in the beaten eggs and coat it with breadcrumbs, deep fry until it gets golden brown.
5. Your Chili Cheese Bread Rolls are ready. Serve and enjoy.
Prep time: 15-20 mins
Cooking time: 20-25 mins
Servings: 4-5
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